Applications of Physics in Real Life

Physics influence our lives as follows aspects

At home
They include
i)    All tools and machinery:  such as Crowbars, Hammers, door handles, cutlery, hinges, car jack, pulleys, tillage implements etc, made by knowledge of physics
ii)   Electrical appliances:  such as cooker, iron, heater, electric lamps, washing machine etc, made by knowledge of physics
Medical field
They include;
i)    Machines such laser, x-ray, incubators, ultrasound and infrared machines
ii)   The knowledge used in handling and even actual use of these machines are based on the knowledge and skills acquired in Physics.
Source of energy
They include; 
i)    Batteries and generators provide electrical energy 
ii)   Bulbs they provide light energy
iii) Speaker gives us sound energy

All Vessels used in transportation is results of concept of physics. For Example, cars, ships, aero plane, trains etc

All Devices used in communication systems is results of concept of physics. For Example, telephones, modems, television, cables etc

Physics enable people to enjoy a variety of leisure activities as is evident in photography, digital appliances, exercise machines and other sport equipment.

Physicists have been able to come up with tools and process that have resulted in advanced technological equipment and new discoveries. 

In schools
The instruments and apparatus used in school laboratories are made through the application of the knowledge and skill acquired in a Physics class.

Importance of Learning Physics
i)    The study of physics enables us to answer many question concerning physical properties of matter. For example, “why sky is blue?”
ii)   Enable different people to acquire skills that required in different profession. For Example, engineering, teaching and architecture
iii) Enable us to designing and manufacture different items. For Example, dry cell, simple machines, mobile phones etc.

iv) Enable us to enjoy since we study practically

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