Explaining Questions - STATIC ELECTRICITY


  1. Briefly explain each of the following observations;
    1. A plastic comb rubbed with hair attracts small pieces of rubbed with hair attracts small pieces of papers
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      When plastic comb rubbed with hair become negatives charged by gaining electrons from hair
    2. TV screen covered by dusts after being used after period of time
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      TV screen become electrically charged by induction hence attracts surrounding dusts
  2. Briefly explain what happen;
    1. When suspended ebonite rod rubbed with fur placed near by suspended Perspex rod rubbed with woolen cloth.
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      Ebonite rod rubbed with fur acquires negative charges and Perspex rod rubbed with woolen cloth acquires positive charges hence will slightly attracts each other
    2. Both polythene rod rubbed with fur and plastic rod rubbed with hair suspended near to each other.
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      Polythene rod rubbed with fur acquires negative charges and plastic rod rubbed with hair also acquires negative charges hence will slightly repels each other
    3. Plastic pen rubbed with wet hair
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      No Movement of electrons from air to plastic pen hence neither plastic pen nor hair will acquire charges
  3. With the aid of diagram briefly explain what happen when plastic tube rubbed with cotton cloth placed near to the nail
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    Plastic tube when rubbed with cotton cloth it become negatively charged. When placed near a nail it induces positive charges to near side of the nail and negative charges in the opposite side hence it slightly attract each other
  4. Explain the following in terms of electrostatic concepts
    1. Small pieces of paper are first attracted towards a glass rod rubbed with silk but they immediately move away
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      When a glass rod is rubbed with silk become positively charged and the small pieces of paper are neutral. Due to opposite charges between the pieces of paper and glass rod it cause attraction between them. Once the pieces of paper become in contact with the charged glass rod, they can gain or lose electrons through contact or induction. This cause small pieces of paper to acquire similar charges which cause repulsion force and move away from glass rod
    2. Why a polythene rod becomes charged when rubbed with a duster. Why do you find it more difficult to charge it on a damp day than on a dry day?
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      When a polythene rod is rubbed with a duster, electrons are transferred to the duster resulting polythene rod to become negatively charged.
      Presence of moisture on a damp day provide a conductive path for charge dissipation, making it more difficult to charge it when compared to a dry day when the environment is less conductive.
  5. Explain why nylon clothes crackle as you undress.

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