The concepts of Geothermal:
The word “geothermal” means “Heat”, so geothermal energy is the energy generated by the flow of heat from the earth’s surface. It is the energy associated with areas of frequent earthquakes and high volcanic activity.
Areas like Kilimanjaro and Oldonyo in Tanzania; and Rift valley in Kenya are geologically well structured to produce efficient geothermal system. The hot spring can cause rocks to be hotter than the earth’s surface. Thermal energy is obtained from radioactive materials that naturally occur in the rocks.
The energy produced can be used in:
  • Heating buildings
  • Driving generators
  • Heating water
How to convert geothermal energy to electricity
Energy is obtained in the earth’s interior; it is necessary to drill through rocks. This creates vents where pipes are laid to bring the steam from the hot zone to the earth’s surface.

Once the steam has risen to the surface, it is directed into turbines. The steam drives turbines, which again are used to drive electric generators that produce electricity.

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