Reflection of Waves

Is the change of direction of the wave front of the interface between two media so that the wave front returns into the medium from which it originated.

A.      When waves encounters a boundary which cannot pass

i)             The reflected wave will have the same speed and wavelength as the incident wave.
ii)           The reflected wave will have smaller amplitude due to the loss of some energy at the boundary.

B.      When waves encounters a boundary which can pass”

Ø  (New Medium has high Density)
                                       i.            Part of the wave will be reflected and part will be transmitted through medium.
                                     ii.            The reflected wave will have same speed and wavelength as incident wave.
                                    iii.            The transmitted wave will have lower speed and wavelength.
                                   iv.            The reflected and transmitted waves both will have reduced amplitude.

Ø  (New Medium has Less Density)
                                    i.            The reflected wave will have same speed and wavelength as incident wave.
                                  ii.            The transmitted waves will have high speed and longer wavelength.
The reflected and transmitted wave both will have reduced amplitude.
i)                 Reflection of light waves is used in the design of mirrors.
ii)               Reflection of sound waves is used in measuring distances.

iii)             Solar systems rely on the reflection of sound waves to assist ships in navigating/communicating and detecting other vessels.

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