Solar Energy the energy obtained from the sun by the use of solar cells.
Solar energy is the radiant energy emitted by the sun.

Solar cell is made of silicon; calcium and other element where solar radiation falls on it cause it to generate electricity
The energy produced by the sun is more than we need. Solar energy can be converted to electricity by using solar cells or photo voltaic cells.

Consider the diagram below

The main surface of solar panel is dull black where solar radiation falls on it cause it to generate electricity. This enhances the absorption rate of the radiant energy from the sun.
Applications of solar energy

Solar energy has been harnessed by mankind and put to several uses. Below are some of the applications of solar energy;

Application of Solar energy
  1. It is used in electric appliances such as television and radios
  2. For lighting purposes
  3. Spaceship satellites use solar cells
  4. Some torches, cars and calculators are powered by solar cells
  5. Drying of clothes and farm (food) products.
  6. Heating water using a solar hot water system
Though solar cells are expensive, they are very useful in remote and sunny areas.

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