1. State one difference between the arrangement of the molecules in water and the molecules in ice. Draw a diagram to illustrate your answer.
  2. Why can gases easily be compressed, while liquids and solids cannot?
    [Show answer]
    Because the particles in a gas are free-moving, and spread widely apart. When they are compressed, there is extra space that they can fit into. Liquids and solids have particles that are closely together)
  3. Explain how the knowledge of adhesion and cohesion is useful in daily life?
  4. One day in a classroom during History lesson, student from back bencher silently farted. Few seconds later another student nearby blackboard angrily shouted “Who did this bad behavior, we could suffocate because of unpleasant smell we suffer”. Explain how unpleasant smell reaches to the student in front?
    [Show answer]
    Unpleasant smell from the silent fart reaches the student in front due to diffusion. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration. Thus, molecules responsible for unpleasant smell (such as hydrogen sulfide and other gases produced during digestion) diffuse randomly through air from the source of the fart to other area of the room.
  5. Mwendazake was laughing on two boys, Miqsam and Mansoor debating on what cause the shape of water drop to be spherical. Miqsam said, it is spherical because depend on the device it come from while Mansoor opposes but he didn’t know the exact reason for the droplets to be spherical. Mwendazake said if I could know the reason I could help these boys. You as form three students help them the reason.
    [Show answer]
    The spherical shape of a water drop is due to surface tension. The surface tension minimizes the surface area of the liquid, resulting in a spherical shape

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