Types of Force


Types of Force

There are two types of forces include

i)        Fundamental forces

ii)       Non fundamental forces

Fundamental Forces

Fundamental force is the forces in which the two interacting object are not in physical contact with each other. 


Fundamental force is the basic forces in nature that cannot be explained by the action of another force. Also is called interactive force or non-contact forces or action-at-a-distance force or field force.

Types of Fundamental Force

There are four (4) types include

i)        Force of gravity (weight)

ii)       Electromagnetic force

iii)     Strong nuclear force

iv)     Weak nuclear force

Force of Gravity

Gravitation force is the force pulls objects toward the Planet. For Example, all object falls down if thrown up due to force of gravity is pulling the objects toward the earth surface. It represented by letter g, it has constant value of 10 N/kg or 9.8N/kg.

It also called weight

W = mg


m = mass of object

g = gravitational force


i)        The force of gravity pulls objects towards the centre of the earth.

ii)       The force of gravity is proportional to the mass of an object 

iii)     The force of gravity is stronger when the object is closer to the Earth’s surface

Gravitational force

Is the force of attraction acting between any two bodies of the universe


Properties of Gravitational force 

i)        It is always attractive

ii)       It is the weakest force among the four basic forces

iii)     It is a central force.

iv)     It obeys the universe square law

v)       It operates over very long distances.

Electromagnetic Force   

Is the force that associated with production field due to movement of electrons. 

It includes both electric and magnetic forces. 

For example: -

a)       Formation of water molecules, Atoms attract each other due to electromagnetic force

b)      In two charges placed near each other may attract or repel due to electromagnetic force

Properties of Electromagnetic Force 

a)       It may be attractive or repulsive in nature 

b)      It is a central force 

c)       It is stronger than gravitational force 

d)      It is a long-range force (operates over a very long distance)


Strong Nuclear Force 

Is the force which holds the constituents of the atomic nucleus

It acts within the nucleus of the atom.

An example of this force is the nuclear energy obtained from the splitting (fission) or the fusing together of the nucleus of the atom.

Properties of Strong Nuclear Force 

a)       It is basically an attractive force 

b)      It is a short-range (operates only up to a distance of the order of 10-14 m) 

c)       It is a non-central force (it does not act at the centre) 

d)      It is stronger than gravitation force 


Weak Nuclear Force 

Is the force which appears only in a certain nuclear processes

For example, in formation of water from reaction between oxygen gas and hydrogen gas weak nuclear force is used to bond the water molecules 

Properties of Weak Nuclear Force 

a)       It is Stronger than gravitation force 

b)      It is weaker than electromagnetic force and strong nuclear force 

c)       It Operates on small ranges of up to 10 -17 m.


Non - Fundamental Forces 

Are the forces in which the two interacting objects are in physical contact with each other

Examples are: -  

·         Kicking a ball

·         Air resistance

·         Pulling a door

·         Tension

·         Compressing a spring

·         Friction

·         Elastic forces

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